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A Three-Day Transnational Project Meeting in Serbia for the BRIDGE Project

In a collaborative effort to strengthen cross-cultural ties and enhance educational tools, the BRIDGE Project consortium has reunited for a three-day meeting in the picturesque town of Požarevac, Serbia, from 17 to 19 of January 2024. Hosted by Yaeda, the meeting served as a pivotal point for partners to share insights, discuss strategies, and collectively advance the project's goals.


Day 1


The opening day set the tone with roundtable presentations and an in-depth overview of the BRIDGE Project. Partners showcased their progress, providing valuable perspectives on the project's evolution. The morning session was followed by a well-deserved coffee break, fostering informal networking and relationship-building.


The agenda then shifted to a workshop focused on monitoring pilot activities, specifically the "Nice to meet you" and "Class Maps" initiatives. Feedback and discussions were robust, guiding potential changes and improvements.


After lunch, the consortium delved into discussions regarding the upcoming stages of the pilot, emphasizing the Third and Fourth parts of the capacity-building process. The day concluded with a fruitful session on mapping stakeholders, a crucial step for effective communication strategies.


Day 2


Day 2 was marked by an in-depth exploration of the project's toolkit. Partners engaged in a presentation and design session, sharing valuable ideas and best practices from their respective countries. The collaborative spirit was evident as the consortium actively shaped the toolkit to better serve the needs of their target groups.


A cultural interlude occurred in the afternoon with a visit to the local museum, Galerija Milena Pavlovic. This provided partners with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich history and artistry of Požarevac, Serbia.


Returning to the meeting venue, partners split into two groups for workshops focused on brainstorming. The objective was to adapt the tools developed to meet the specific needs of their diverse target groups. The day concluded with a recap of achievements and an outline of the next steps in the project.


Day 3


The final day centered on the culmination of the toolkit design. Partners collectively refined and polished the tools, ensuring they align seamlessly with the project's overarching objectives. Coffee breaks punctuated the day, offering moments for reflection and rejuvenation.


In the closing session, the consortium discussed the next steps in the project. Partners outlined milestones and commitments, underscoring their dedication to the project's success.


As the meeting came to a close, it was evident that the three days spent in Serbia were not merely a series of discussions and workshops; they were a testament to the power of collaboration, cultural exchange, and shared vision. The BRIDGE Project consortium left Serbia with strengthened partnerships, refined tools, and a renewed sense of purpose as they continue their journey toward educational empowerment and global understanding.


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