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Communicate. Cooperate. Grow.

Bridge Project aims to promote well-being within classes attended by young people between 12 and 16 years old.

Ensuring communication

More flexibility

Better collaboration

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”

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About the project

Erasmus+ Project (2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000089154)

BRIDGE identifies social inclusion as a further priority by supporting a new approach in the classrooms which sees educators and teachers carry out work no longer only ON the single learner at risk of dropping out but WITH him/her and considering his/her difficulties as a means by which to develop social skills and emotions of the class. 


To pursue these objectives, BRIDGE carries out a pilot action which consists of the design, implementation, testing and validation of two tools 1. A guide for a CAPACITY BUILDING path aimed at educators and teachers to support them in working together 2. a TOOLKIT that supports the work in the classroom of teachers and educators with teaching and educational activities, guidelines for the introduction of shared teaching and evaluation methods, tools for involving all subjects in the learning process.


Work Packages

BRIDGE is structured into four Work Packages that define the activities to be carried out within the project. Here you can find detailed information on each of them!

WP1. Project Management

This Work Package is focused on Project Management (online meetings, TPMs, monitoring, risks analysis, reporting, etc.)

WP2. Capacity building guide

the manual for CAPACITY BUILDING is a support for teachers and educators for the realization of a path of pedagogical innovation which, thanks to the development of social and emotional skills, renews the ability to confront and enhance the respective approaches and roles within within the classroom, in the class councils, in the relationship with families and external stakeholders.

WP3. Toolkit

The TOOLKIT is the toolbox for implementing the new pedagogical paradigm which, starting from the presence in the classroom of learners at risk of dispersion (learners with special educational needs in possession of school certifications, with linguistic difficulties and a migration background, belonging to ethical minorities , with behavioral difficulties or uncertified attention disorders,…) and individualized educators, makes integration not an end but a means, transforming it into a horizontal approach that accompanies the class in the development of social and emotional skills.

WP4. Communication and dissemination

This work package is focused on reaching schools, dissemination of experiences outside the schools, reach relevant stakeholders and promote the visibility of the cooperation actions of the Erasmus+


Working on integration to avoid school drop out

BRIDGE's priority is to promote well-being and mental health within first and second grade secondary school classes through a new paradigm that sees the activities carried out for the integration of learners at risk of dropping out of school as a means of developing emotional and relational skills of everyone: teachers, educators, learners.

New methods




The objectives of the project aim to implement a new pedagogical paradigm, valuing the role of educators and teachers in the development of social and emotional skills, and contributing to promote the well-being of all individuals in the classroom.

Promote well-being and mental health within first and second grade secondary school classes

Make integration not an end but a means, transforming it into a horizontal approach that accompanies the class in the development of social and emotional skills

Transferring the results to the other classes of the schools involved and to other institutes

Support teachers and educators for the realization of a path of pedagogical innovation

Implement a new educational paradigm.

Promotion of Youth Workers recognition and the activation of cross-sectoral collaborations that enhance their role in school contexts and in parallel with teaching activity

Support the classroom work of teachers and educators with new tools to carry out didactic and educational activities.

Improve the ability of students, teachers, and educators to be resilient, manage emotions, develop meaningful relationships, and pursue their interests

To create a set of information and communication materials aimed at managers to guide them in proposing to the class councils





Irecoop Alto Adige Südtirol (coordinator)

Operational headquarters:
Via Galilei- Str. 10/H (Palazzo Podini) - 39100 Bolzano-Bozen

Legal adress: 
Via Galilei- Str. 2/E - 39100 Bolzano-Bozen

"When you learn, teach. When you receive, give"
(Maya Angelou)



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© 2022 Bridge Partnerhsip (2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000089154)

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”

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