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1st LTT in Anamur - LTT on Theoratical/Practical Bases for Knitting Arts and SEN

Writer: Dideas GroupDideas Group

Between the dates 17th and 22nd of October 2022, the first LTT (Learning Teaching and Training) of the project “E-ducation Platform and Practices for Especially Arts-abled Schools and Families (Arts abled)” -Contract number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-00027905 was held in Anamur, Turkey. The LTT was hosted by Anamur Baykuş Art and Literature Center with the support of their local partner “Anamur District Directorate of National Education”. Besides getting involved into the trainings scheduled in different days and times covering the main theme, "Theoratical/Practical Bases for Knitting Arts and SEN & for Upploading Practices to E-Platform", the participants also had observations in and visits to different schools, art and rehabilitation centres, education centres for the pupils with special needs, historical places and other attractions in the city.

There were 33 participants in total involved into this LTT -from DIDEAS and DINSERTA from Spain, Associazione Let's Keep Learning Onlus (LKL) from Italy, Baykuş Sanat ve Edebiyat Merkezi and Anamur İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü from Turkey.

On 17 October 2022, Monday, the LTT activities began with the welcome speeches of the legal representatives of Baykuş Sanat ve Edebiyat Merkezi and Anamur İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü. Then the program went on with the introductory speech -Virtual- by the project coordinator of DIDEAS (David Bayona Cuallado). Then, the team responsible for the organization and hosting of the LTT from Baykuş Art Centre began the first cycle of the trainings by explanation about the basic conceptualizations of the LTT and primary issues and topics that the participants are expected to obtain throughout the LTT. A few main cornerstones of the project such as the knowledge of basic principles and implied future practices of our “methodological framework”, E-platform, theoratical & practical cornerstones of interrelating education of pupils with art-activities, and formation principles of the activity work-groups were explained by Mesut Budak. The group also had exchange of ideas and a brain-storming activity was performed by participation of all the groups. After a short coffee break, the representatives of the partner organizations showed the group the presentations they had prepared before the LTT about the aims, expectations, profile of their participant groups -focusing on especially the activities that are planned to be realized after the LTT and related with the project's first output and their roles in the project-.

In the afternoon, A short summary and implications of the project's «Methodological Framework», «Bloom Taxonomy» and «activity template» that will be used in our activities were presented by Gülname Kayhan. In the presentation, main theoratical and practical cornerstones of interrelating primary, secondary and vocational education of pupils with special needs education and art-activities. Also Ayhan Sezdirmez informed the participants about the best ways and important sensitivities while organizing our target groups in any participatory or voluntary learner activities & topics, and about very crucial behaviours and consciousness about the sensitivities of project learners and the learners themselves that must be remembered by the other participants and trainers of the project.

On 18 October 2022, Tuesday, the groups were taken from the hotel by the bus-service and they come together in the atelier class, in Baykuş Art and Literature Centre. The facilitator of the first training session was Mesut Budak and he began the training by summarizing the main amalgamation principles of «Special Needs Education and Arts». The training continued by explanation of the pedagogical and didactic methods and practical ways of organizing “«Special Needs Education and Arts-group activities”. A presentation was shown and it was focusing on the ways of how to include all the participants into these groups. One of the most important points in the presentation was the question of setting up and organizing different «categories» in accordance with our «methodological framework» and with the categories and sub-categories of project's e-platform that will be setup. In the afternoon the main topic was how to interrelate art branches with types of special needs pre-determined in our «framework»: Music, Drawing, Performing arts & vocational education (employment opportunities)

On 19 October 2022, Wednesday, the participants were taken into a Dual Education (art+SNE) Practice Atelier at Baykuş Art and Literature Centre. The participants were involved in different groups taking the learnt/focused on methods, Bloom's taxonomy and activity template into consideration. They were undergrouped in accordance with their interest to different arts and their desires. After organization of the practice atelier groups, the art and special need education teachers together carried out different art-activities in different classes with them.

In the afternoon, there was a visit to Özgüven Special Education and Rehabilitation Center. There was a short program for introducing their applications/practices for art, art-therapy programs with their teachers and participants with special educational needs. The presentation prepared by the rehabilitation centre was summarizing the art-therapy methods and art-SNE amalgamation practices they apply with their target groups (The presentation was explained by Mrs. Selda Yılmaz who is the founder and manager of the rehabilitation centre). After the meeting with their care-givers and staff and observations in the rehabilitation centre, the LTT participants also joined a short exhibition prepared by the trainers and learners of the centre. Later, the group visited and walked around two historical attractions of the city: Anamur Mamure Castle and Köşekbükü Cave.

On 20 October 2022, Thursday, the trainings first focused on the subject of how to adapt/transfer and record the real sphere activities into suitable formats in the way that can be upploaded to E-platform. The facilitator of the training was Mr. Ayhan Sezdirmez. He also explained and showed the participants the websites or applications that can be used while transferring our art works/art-activities into digital formats.

In the afternoon, the basic topic of the LTT was how to uppload the contents to e-platform from frontend/backend and the roles of the responsible persons about the correct execution and dissemination activities of the E-platform & its contents/modules. The modules/user profiles/registration to and other issues of the e-platform, and the basic conceptualizations and interrelations of the platform with our «methodological framework» and Supporting & Networking Website For Families/Care-givers were explained by Mesut Budak. Categories and sub-categories of the website (E-platform) and the content and language that will be used while transferring its content from the «Activity templates» filled by the trainers were also introduced to the group. Lastly, in the afternoon, there had been a visit to and exchange of ideas and experiences with the headmaster of our other project partner organization and the governor of the city in Anamur.

On 21 October 2022, Friday, there was a discussion and brain-storming activity with the participants about their suggestions for and ideas about how to improve our E-platform, its categories, user-profiles, and the preparatory activities and adaptable after school activities for our supporting and networking website. The activity was very productive and effective for all of us.

In the afternoon, we had a meeting focusing on the important precautions about inner-organizational trainings following this LTT and production of the project result process. The main topics and necessary quality evaluation issues that need attention before and during the production of the project's first result (especially continuous training and participation of all the participants/pupils and trainers of the partner organizations) was be focused on. Lastly, there was a marbling art atelier with all the participants and the accompanying persons with the trainer of Baykuş Art and Literature Centre, Ms. Neşe Kaynak.



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This Website was produced as result of the project "E-ducation platform and practices for specially arts-abled schools and families" number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-00027905 and the European Comission is not responsible of the contents and opinions of authors

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