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About the project

arts-abled is an Erasmus+Project co-funded by theEuropean Union, aCooperation Partnership int he field of School Education(2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-00027905). It brings a new approach and practices for pupils with DAS and SEN, integrating arts and VET. 


arts-abled integrates:

1. Platform that will contain practices in arts and VET for pupils with SEN and DAS

2. Special tools for families and parents and a cyber-community

About the project: Acerca de


Providing the pupils with SEN the skills and knowledge necessary to express themselves

Adapting/transferring our real sphere activities to e-platforms for daily usage of families

Creating -an open access resource (e-platform & support e-community, Project results 1-2) for participant people & organizations, and for all who want to access and use our practices, methods&applications.

Providing the pupils to learn and experience the simple or complex interconnections of different areas of life.

Introducing a new methodological framework, practical applications & supporting website and a cooperation networking based “cyber-community”

Developing a networking cyber-space & virtual community for mutual cooperation & engagement of all schools, teachers, students, families & artists.

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This Website was produced as result of the project "E-ducation platform and practices for specially arts-abled schools and families" number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-00027905 and the European Comission is not responsible of the contents and opinions of authors

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