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Perfect pet

"The Perfect Pet" is a practical exercise in which you will develop decision-making strategies. You have to cut out characters and individual pets and match them with the perfect owner and justify the solutions obtained. During this exercise, you work in teams (3-4 members)

Perfect pet

List of required equipment

  • "Perfect Pet" activity template.

  • scissors

What can I learn from this? (outcomes)

  • develop a strategy for decision-making.

  • justify the solutions presented with arguments.

  • develop teamwork skills, tolerance, and respect for the opinions of others.

How can I do this activity? Steps

• Divide into groups of 3 to 4 members

• Take the template and scissors to match each of the 9 pets with 9 perfect owners.

• In group work, think about the personal needs, available time, personality or other aspects of each owner to make pairs and match each of them with the "perfect pet".

• You must justify your choices.

• Upon completion, you must present your solution and convince the other groups that your classification is the best.

Reflection tips

  • Answer the following questions:

  • What was each group's strategy?

  • How did they feel when they had to agree on only one classification?

  • Was it easy to reach an agreement? Why?

  • What are the established criteria for creating pairs? was it easy? • How did you motivate your choices?

  • What did you learn?

  • Do you think it is easy to make decisions? Which part is the hardest for you?



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