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Moving Motivators

The challenge is for girls ages 13 to 18 to practice Moving Motivators, an activity designed to help them identify and understand their personal motivations, in order to strengthen their entrepreneurial spirit and self-knowledge from the comfort of their homes

Moving Motivators

List of required equipment

Paper and pens or digital device to take notes.

Quiet space without distractions.

What can I learn from this? (outcomes)

By doing this activity, girls can learn:

  • To identify your personal motivations and understand how they influence your desire to start a business.

  • To recognize the areas of your life that provide you with the greatest satisfaction and sense of achievement.

  • To align your entrepreneurial goals with your personal motivations to increase your motivation and commitment.

How can I do this activity? Steps

  1. Introduction (10 minutes): research Moving Motivators and their application in the field of entrepreneurship to understand the process.

  2. Preparation (5 minutes): gather paper and pens or open a notes app on your digital device to take notes during the activity.

  3. Identification of motivators (20 minutes): reflect on the nine motivators proposed in the Moving Motivators (Curiosity, Honor, Mastery, Power, Relationships, Acceptance, Freedom, Order and Purpose) and write down those that you consider most important to you.

  4. Ordering and reflection (20 minutes): place your motivators in order of importance, from most relevant to least relevant. Reflect on why you have chosen that order and what meaning those motivators have in your life and your entrepreneurial aspirations.

  5. Analysis and action (20 minutes): analyze how your motivators influence your entrepreneurial goals and the decisions you make in your life. Think about concrete actions you can take to align your goals with your motivations and increase your motivation and commitment.

  6. Reflection and planning (15 minutes): reflect on the conclusions of your analysis and establish specific goals and actions that you can take to apply your motivations in your entrepreneurial projects and move towards your objectives.

Reflection tips

Reflect on how your motivators influence your daily actions and decisions.

Consider how you can use your motivations to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit and achieve your goals.

Keep a journal or reflection notebook to record your thoughts and track your goals.


Online resource to do this activity:

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