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20 eur idea

Take a paper and a pen. Imagine that you have 20 euros in your pocket. Write down all the business ideas you can develop with that money. List at least seven ideas. You have seven minutes at your disposal.

20 eur idea

List of required equipment

  • paper and pencil

  • stopwatch or mobile phone

  • picture of €20

What can I learn from this? (outcomes)

  • ingenuity in solving problems

  • develop a creative way of thinking and creative thinking

  • think outside the box

  • develop innovation

  • evaluate the ideas of other participants

  • develop awareness of the business structure and the way of managing money

How can I do this activity? Steps

  • Take paper and pencil.

  • Imagine that you have 20 euros in your pocket.

  • In 7 minutes, write down as many business ideas as possible that you can realize with that money.

  • List at least seven ideas.

  • Compare the obtained results with other participants.

Reflection tips

  • read all written ideas

  • choose the best idea for each team

Answer the questions:

1. Out of all the proposed ideas, which idea would you invest your €20 in?

2. Is money the most important thing for starting a business?

3. What is needed to open a business?

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